Giving just a few days notice, Persimmon and their agents,Savills, invited some residents of Grange Farm to an evening exhibition at Kesgrave Community Centre on Wednesday 6 February 2013. At the exhibition they asked for feedback to be provided within a week. They say that all comments will be reviewed and that a Statement of Community Involvement will be submitted as part of the planning process summarising the comments received. If you want to protect your quality of life and the identity of Kesgrave make sure you register your objections to the proposed plans. A suggested response is:
‘I wish to register my objections to the proposed plans by Persimmon Homes at Long Strops by Grange Farm. Kesgrave Town has reached its limit and any further expansion will affect my quality of life. There is already substantial pressure on facilities, such as schooling, and the road network and this development will add to it.’
Here is a Word Document with the above suggestion: KAGE1
Persimmon have asked for comments to be sent to:
William Lusty, Savills, Unex House, 132-134 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PA
Comments should arrive latest by Friday 15 February.
(Please note that it is Savills’ Cambridge office that they want comments to go to and not their London office).
A copy of a one-page handout explaining the above which you can print-out and hand to other residents is here: KAGE-handout1
1. Savills contacted us on 11 Feb to confirm that the deadline to provide comments to Persimmon is Friday 15 February (and not the Wednesday 13 February given on their feedback form) and the address that the comments need sending to is their Cambrdge office (not the London address per their letter to residents):
Savills, Unex House, 132-134 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PA
2. Kesgrave Town Council agreed to place a printed copy of Persimmon’s proposals in the entrance foyer of the Town Council office on Ferguson Way (near the ‘little Tescos’) from the afternoon of 12 Feb. If anyone in Kesgrave hasn’t seen the plans, please do go along. Persimmon have asked for feedback to be sent to Savills by this Friday. The Council Office is open on Wednesdays from 9.00am to 3.00pm, Friday from 9.00am to 1.00pm and Monday from 9.00am to 1.00pm. For more information about the Town Council (including location of the Council Office) please visit their website. A digital copy of the proposals is also available from the Town Council website from 13 Feb.