Persimmon’s EIA Scoping Opinion Request – 3 weeks to give comments

Kesgrave Town Council have passed on a notice from Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC) Planning that they have received a request by Savills dated 5 June 2014 (on behalf of Persimmon Homes) for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion for the erection of up to 300 dwellings and associated public open space, landscape and infrastructure on land east and west of Bell Lane, Kesgrave. The ‘Scoping Opinion’ is aimed at ensuring the developer is aware of all aspects that need to be included within their EIA which would accompany any formal planning application.

SCDC Planning need comments back from the Town Council by 2 July i.e. only 3 weeks time for the Council to compile comments from local residents and submit them to SCDC Planning. Please contact the Town Council as soon as possible with any relevant comments on what should be covered in Persimmon’s EIA that isn’t properly mentioned in Savills’ Scoping Report below.

The documents related to the EIA Scoping Opinion are as follows:

Savills Scoping Report – Covering Letter – 04.06.14

Savills Scoping Report – 05.06.14 – FINAL

Appendix 2 – Screening Opinion

Appendix 3 – Screening Direction

Appendix 1 (Map):

Appendix 1 - Site Plan

Note: As per this earlier blog post, an SCDC Planning Services decreed that an EIA Statement must accompany any planning application. Regulation 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 makes provision for a prospective developer or their agent to request a formal opinion from the relevant planning authority on the information to be supplied in the Environmental Statement (ES) (known as a ‘scoping opinion’). Scoping is used to help identify where there is the potential for interaction between a project and the environment and it allows the applicant to be clear about those effects that the planning authority and other relevant parties consider to be potentially the most significant, and upon which the ES should focus.

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