Update – Saturday 16 February

Our front page has been updated with the following:

Thank you for sending your comments to Persimmon following their exhibition on Wednesday 6 February. We now all need to wait until a planning application is submitted.

KAGE are still getting feedback that people have not heard about this proposed development. Please help spread the word across Kesgrave! Persimmon’s proposals do affect the whole of the Town – there is a knock-on effect on all Kesgrave Schools and the main Kesgrave roads as well deterioration in the Open Space by Long Strops which is used by many residents (and their dogs!).

On Thursday 14 February we had an encouraging meeting with Planning Services at Suffolk Coastal District Council. They share the same concerns as the local community on schools, roads etc and are adamant that, should Persimmon proceed with an application, they will not recommend it to the Council Members due to current planning policy. Even though Savills are aware of this policy, they confirmed to KAGE on Monday 11 February that Persimmon still intend to submit a planning application in March, so we need to remain prepared.

We are looking for some additional support. Please contact us directly via facebook or email, if you can help with one of the following:

– We need help from a Solicitor, with expertise in conveyancing;
– Anyone with experience in significant planning applications/objections or the planning process;
– Photographs of Long Strops, especially including any endangered wildlife (Skylarks, Bats).

Please keep in touch with KAGE via Facebook or by registering on the website (www.longstrops.co.uk). We will keep you informed of progress and any action required to fight this proposal.

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